Real Estate

Projects That Add to the Value of Your Home

You only have to look at the number of home remodeling shows on television to understand just how many people enjoy watching others upgrade their living spaces. These popular home remodeling shows have inspired many people to try their own hands at various remodeling projects.

If you are interested in having work done on your living space or doing it yourself, you should understand that some remodeling and construction projects will enhance the value of your home as well as its appearance. Other remodeling projects may be on your wish list and make you happy but won’t materially affect the value of your home.

What projects will add to the value of your home? According to the “2023 Cost vs. Value Report” conducted by Remodeling, a leading trade publication/platform, the top five renovations that increase — or come close to increasing — home value are as follows:

HVAC Conversion

Switching out your fossil-fuel burning furnace to a more environmentally friendly alternative — an electric heat pump — is an expensive undertaking but easily recoups its cost. Typically, the cost of converting a 2,000-square-foot home to an electric heat pump is estimated to be $17,747, but the report notes that it adds about $18,366 to the home’s resale value — a 103.5% return on the investment.

Garage Door Replacement

A new garage door definitely enhances a home’s curb appeal and easily recoups its initial cost. The report found that removing and disposing a 16- by 7-foot garage door and replacing it with four-section doors with heavy galvanized steel tracks would cost $4,302 on average but would boost the home’s resale value by $4,418, a 102.7% return on investment.

Manufactured Stone Veneer

Stone veneer has grown in popularity amongst homeowners looking to craft a warm and welcoming feel to their homes’ exterior. It costs an estimated $10,925 to install 36 linear feet of sills, 40 linear feet of corners, an address block, and other materials, including water-resistant and corrosion-resistant barriers. However, homeowners will recoup 102.3% of the project’s cost if they put their home on the market.

Replacing an Entry Door

New front doors can help improve a home’s energy efficiency as well as enhance its appearance. Replacing an old entry door with a new steel one will cost an average of $2,214 but will increase your home’s resale value by $2,235, recouping 102.9% of its original cost.

Replacing Siding

Replacing a home’s siding is an expensive undertaking, but it is one project that delivers immediate eye appeal. New siding refreshes a house’s appearance and adds to the neighborhood’s overall desirability. The report looked at the costs of installing both fiber-cement siding and vinyl siding. It found that the average cost of installing 1,250 square feet with fiber-cement siding would run a homeowner $19,361. The homeowner would expect to recoup 88.5% of the cost of the project, or $17,129. Installing new vinyl siding would be less costly than fiber-cement siding. Siding for a 1,250-square-foot house would cost an estimated $16,348, and the homeowner could expect to get back around 94.7% of that total cost at resale.

Be aware that labor costs vary from state to state and from community to community. The cost of materials fluctuates, sometimes considerably, depending on inflation, supply chain issues, and other economic and political forces.

For more information, call Gray Matter Accounting & Payroll at 843-945-4878!